
Personal trainer for women

Women naturally go through different hormonal stages that impact their body. A well targeted and specific approach can reduce these undesirable effects.


Flat abs, firm and well designed legs and buttocks are the dream of all women. With targeted muscle strengthening exercises and a special weight loss program, I help you to achieve your ideal body.


It is advised to keep a smooth and controlled physical activity during pregnancy. Sporty mothers generally give birth more easily since their stronger muscles facilitate childbirth and accelerate recovery after birth.

Back pain can be triggered by the position adopted during the pregnancy. The weight on the front of the body due to the increased volume of the uterus and the baby's weight move the center of gravity and force the spine to arch. This exaggeration of the normal curvature of the spine causes tension in the lower back which is the origin of the pain. This pain can become worse as the pregnancy progress.

We will strengthen your muscles with gentle gymnastics, working on breathing and relaxation.

Post Pregnancy

You are a young mom? Congratulations!

This important event is often accompanied by some inconvenience ...

  • Loss of tonicity in the midsection
  • Weight gain
  • Generalized muscle loss caused by inactivity
  • Postpartum Urinary Incontinence

After the rehabilitation of the perineum, we will work together on these issues so that you gradually regain your shape.


From menopause on, bones lose their minerals at a rate of 2 to 3% per year. The bone becomes more brittle and less able to support efforts. This is called osteoporosis. Nevertheless, it is possible to slow this process with adequate physical activity.

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